Do Gay Men Tip Better Than Others?

Kevin Drum at Political Animal one of my favorite blogs I have been remiss in keeping up wth recently (damned day job!) takes note of the phenomenon of attractive straight guys getting large tips from appreciative gay guys:

If you're a good looking straight guy in need of easy money, find a gay restaurant or bar and become a waiter or bar-tender. Gay men are great tippers, and they're even better tippers if you're hot. (Don't even think of getting tips from lesbians. There are exceptions, of course, but in general, look elsewhere.) I have a straight friend who made a small fortune as a deck-chair dude on the beach in Rehoboth. As so often, capitalism is the true corroder of prejudice

Sadly, the original post for Kevin's thought is from the execrable Andrew Sullivan, whose blog was the first one I ever found but haven't been back to since I found and the real liberal blogosphere.