Anna Nicole Smith's Will

BBC News - Smith left her estate to dead son
Deceased former Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith left her entire estate to her dead son, excluding any other heir from inheritance, it has emerged.

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"I have intentionally omitted to provide for my spouse and other heirs, including future spouses and children and other descendants now living and those hereafter born or adopted," Smith said in the will, under her real name of Vickie Lynn Marshall.

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The lawyer for Smith's estranged mother, Virgie Arthur, said the will was not filed in any court, so it is not valid.
It seems odd that she would explicitly exclude all future children. I know that Dannielynn was not born yet when the will was written (2001) but still. I would think that most people would include a provision in their will to include future children, not exclude them. I know that's what my father did. (I'm actually still just "any subsequent children" in my father's will and I'm 35 years old.) It actually makes me wonder a bit about her relationship with Daniel.

I wonder how this fact will affect the paternity claims. I'm sure it will be in court for years.