Record losses for Ford

BBC - Ford hit by record $12.7bn loss
Ford has reported a loss of $12.7bn (£6.5bn) for 2006 - the biggest annual loss in the embattled US carmaker's 103-year history.

A slump in sales, combined with major restructuring costs, saw the firm lose $5.8bn in the final three months of the year alone.

The iconic US carmaker has been struggling in the face of competition from Japanese rivals such as Toyota.

Ford has plans to close 16 factories in North America and cut 45,000 jobs.

The company, which is currently the second-biggest carmaker in the US, may be overtaken by Toyota in its domestic market later this year, reports have suggested.
I saw this story the other day and never commented on it. Every time I have heard a Ford truck commercial since then I've thought about this article. The commercials say "the best selling truck in America" and I think, "maybe you should stick to selling trucks, then."

Every time the commercials say "Built Ford tough" I think, "well that's just redundant, now isn't it?" Why is it necessary to say a Ford is built as tough as a Ford? Ah well, I'm obviously not the target demographic for those commercials anyway.