Grey's Anatomy Star Denies Gay Slur Incident Happened

You may recall Mad Professah's coverage of the homophobic incident last October on the set of the hit ABC TV show Grey's Anatomy where African American star Isaiah Washington ('Dr. Preston Burke") had a physical scuffle with Patrick Dempsey ("Dr. McDreamy" on the show) after Washington called now open;y-gay actor T.R. Knight ("George" on the show) a faggot. Washington later apologized for the incident.

Now comes news that after Grey's Anatomy won the Golden Globe for Best Television Drama on Monday and Washington was asked about the incident he said "No, I did not call T.R. a faggot. Never happened. Never happened." Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. is reporting that T.R, Knight and co-star Katherine Heigl ("Izzie Stevens" on the show) are contradicting Washington's new version of events.

Later at a party, Heigl told "Access Hollywood," "I'm going to be really honest right now, he needs to just not speak in public. Period. I'm sorry. That did not need to be said. I'm not OK with it."

Heigl said that the comments were "hurtful" and that October's incident should be handled privately among the show's cast and crew.

"I don't think (Washington) means it the way he comes off," Heigl said. "But T.R. is my best friend. ... I will use every ounce of energy I have to take you down if you hurt his feelings."

You go, girl!