Back in LA from NY: At 45, 458 AA miles now

Flew back from New York last night to Los Angeles in the middle of a quite intense rain storm (that Tony! Toni! Toné! song is a lie! ) just in time to make a lovely holiday party in North Hollywood.

While on my way to JFK I stopped by Mecca the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn to get Trinidadian take-out at Gloria's West Indian Restaurant (764 Nostrand Avenue @Sterling Place; 718-773-3476) and Barbadian baked goods at Cock's Bajan Restaurant and Bakery (806 Nostrand Avenue @ St. John's Place; 718-771-8933). I'm always amazed at how predominantly West Indian the area along Nostrand Avenue is, from between Church Avenue and Atlantic Avenue. As longtime readers of this blog know, I have been unable to find authentic West Indian food of the kind found along Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn anywhere in Los Angeles, although it is an outstanding quest of mine and I have found some other interesting finds during the process (Joan & Sisters; Tigeorge's). More details on the delights of Gloria's cooking will be forthcoming in the next few days.

This was no insignificant detour; I left the sublet in Greenwich Village a few minutes after 1pm for my 5pm flight and by travelling by subway the entire way barely made it to my gate around 4:20pm, which thankfully boarded late so I was able to get some snacks for the flight from one of my favourite East Coast baked goods chains, Au Bon Pain. I'm just thankful I was in a civilized city which has public transportation which runs directly to the airport, unlike Los Angeles!

I currently have 45, 458 in my American Airlines frequent flyer miles flown in 2006 account (although their website is behind and only lists 42, 983). I fly to Atlanta on Tuesday and when I return next week, I will be just over my goal of 50, 000 for the year, and AAdvantage Platinum status for 2007.