Mad Professah Electoral Prediction Evaluation

Recall that prior to the November 7 midterm election Mad Professah made some bold predictions about the results. Although there are some five U.S. House races still yet to be decided, and the situation in FL-13 (Katherine Harris's old district) is probably the most egregious.

Mad Professah Prediction Actual Result
U.S. House +30 +30 (as of 11/18/2006)
U.S. Senate +5 +6
Governors +8 +6

The three (sic!) specific statewide races in which I predicted the outcome incorrrectly were Claire McCaskill's impressive U.S. Senate win in Missouri, and the Governor's races in Florida (where the once and future outee Charlie Crist won) and Minnesota (where bland incumbent Governor Tim Pawlenty held on to his title, barely). In fact, there are two run-off races (Louisiana's 2nd and Texas's 23rd) which will be decided in December but are unlikely to result in partisan switches. In fact, in all the remaining races where votes are still being counted ten days after the election, the incumbent Republican is likely to (barely) hold on to their Congressional seat. Sadly, New Mexico's 1st District (represented by the execrable Heather Wilson looks like it might be one of those.

Overall Grade for MadProfessah predictions for Midterms 2006: A+.