George from Grey's Anatomy Comes Out After Homophobic Remarks On Set

T.R. Knight, the actor who plays the diffident doctor George O'Malley on the hit ABC Thursday night series Grey's Anatomy has officially come out of the closet.
He (or "his people") issued the following statement:
“I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I'd like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there. While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I'm gay isn't the most interesting part of me."

Nice! Though apparently the reason for the oddly timed statement (hello, TR, National Coming Out Day was last week!) was related to this initially bland report about an on-set brawl between stars Isaiah Washington (Dr. Preston Burke) and Patrick Dempsey (Dr. Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd). The New York Daily News and National Enquirer have the specific (and illuminating!) details of the incident. Apparently, Isaiah Washington used homophobic remarks to describe T.R. Knight ("faggot" and "bitch") and the gallant Patrick Dempsey stood up for his now openly-gay co-star and a pretty violent confrontation ensued:
At that point," said the source, "Isaiah said something mean to T.R. Knight" [i.e. 'I'm not your little faggot like TR'].

"That's when Patrick told Isaiah, 'Pick on somebody your own size.'

"Well, that did it. Isaiah became enraged and grabbed Patrick by the throat and shoved him back a few feet.

"Dr. McDreamy [Dempsey's nickname] almost landed in McDreamland."

When Knight demanded that the pair break it up, the source says, "Isaiah called him a bitch. Isaiah stormed off to his trailer to cool off, while Patrick and T.R. stood there in disbelief.
