Gay marriage on ballot in 8 states November 7

The Washington Blade has an informative summary of the rash of ballot measures on same-sex marriage and civil unions up for a vote in various states this November.
Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman and foreclose the possibility of civil unions.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman. Also, a separate referendum would extend many rights to domestic partners.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman and foreclose the possibility of civil unions.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman and foreclose the possibility of civil unions.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman and foreclose the possibility of civil unions.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman, foreclose the possibility of civil unions and endanger existing legal protections for unmarried couples.

Amendment would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman, foreclose the possibility of civil unions and endanger existing legal protections for unmarried couples.

The only ones where we have a chance of not losing is Wisconsin (Question 1) and Arizona (Proposition 107). The Advocate seems to think that Virgina will be close. Mad Professah doubts this very much. The most interesting battleground is Colorado, where there are two competing measures (Amendment 43 and Referendum I) on the ballot. Amendment 43 is a one sentence constitutional amendment identical to California's Proposition 22 which was passed as an initiative statute 61-39 in 2000. It declares that "only marriage between one man and one woman is valid or recognized in [Colorado]." However, Referendum I asks voter to approve the Legislature's actions of extablishing the "Colorado Domestic Partner Benefits and Responsibility Act" which is practically identical to California's AB 205, a comprehensive domestic partnership act, which was enacted in 2003. Currently, both Colorado ballot measures are ahead in the polls, with the Referendum at 58% and the Amendment at 52%!