Schwarzenegger Is Afraid of the Voters

Why is "The Governator" afraid of the voters of California? While Phil Angelides has said that he would debate the Governor "any time, any place" (Janet, anyone?) Schwarzenegger has reluctantly agreed to one debate, by the California Broadcasters Association on October 7 in Sacramento. That's a Saturday. During baseball playoff season. At dinner time (6-7pm).

Bill Bradley over at New West Notes comments that it really is not that unusual for incumbent governors to shirk their responsibilities to engage in robust debate with their political challengers.
Most incumbent governors running for re-election have engaged in only one debate, or none at all.

In the past 40 years, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown did the most debates. He did two with his Republican challenger, Attorney General Evelle Younger. Ronald Reagan did not debate Democrat Jesse Unruh. Republican George Deukmejian did not debate Tom Bradley. Republican Pete Wilson debated Kathleen Brown once. Democrat Gray Davis debated Bill Simon once.

Sharp readers may recall that the one debate that Schwarzenegger attended during the 2003 recall election was also sponsored by the CBA, and held in Sacramento. You know that was the one where Arianna Huffington went after Schwarzenegger so vigorously (and annoyingly) that Arnold's poll numbers went through the roof with hen pecked husbands everywhere!

I think it's a sad day indeed when the defining event of the electoral campaign to determine who will be chief executive of the most populous state in the United States (7th largest economy in the world!) is going to be one rinky dink "debate" which is actually a "seated conversation" with an ex-Republican state legislator (and now registered lobbyist) as "moderator." Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh!