State Legislature Approves Measure To Allow Domestic Partners To File Joint State Tax Returns

California Democrats finally found a tax cut measure the Sacramento Republicans wouldn't support (one that would reduce the taxes of an estimated 59% of registered domestic partners). SB 1827 (Migden) would close the last significant gap in state provided benefits to registered domestic partners, ending a campaign begun nearly 7 years ago by the openly lesbian legislator from San Francisco, now State Senate Majority Whip Carole Migden. The State Income Tax Equity Act passed the Assembly on Thursday August 24 and sent the final version to the Governor's desk yesterday.

The measure is a significant element of the mix of nine LGBT-related bills the Democrat-dominated Caifornia Legislature is passing this week and sending to the Republican Governor's desk for his signature, veto or assent. All this is going on in the midst of a gubernatorial re-election campaign, and 10 weeks before the entire Assembly faces the voters on November 7.