Ok, some good things happen in Cincinnati

The Task Force announced today that the anti-gay proposition that was planned for the November 2006 ballot in Cincinnati, Ohio was withdrawn by the sponsors today! (This ballot measure is why I was planning on going to Cincinnati for a week next week.) The group"Equal Rights Not Special Rights" had only submitted 2 more petition signatures than the requisite 7,654 valid signatures needed to insure the measure it's place on the ballot. As many as 1,300 signatures were going to be challenged by Citizens to Restore Fairness (the good guys). The sponsors of the measure admitted fraud and asked that the measure not be placed on the November ballot. Apparently some of the forged signatures were obvious fakes, such as "Fidel Castro," the Cincinnati Enquirer reported. For the first time since 1992, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are now illegal in Cincinnati, OH! Hmmm, maybe it will be fun to visit there after all, now that it is a "free city"!