Interesting Poll Results on the Kulturkampf

There's an interesting Reuters article about the overhyped nature of the cultural divide in this country on social issues as reflected in the latest Pew poll results. For example, majorities oppose gay marriage, amending the United States constitution to ban it and approve of civil unions:
As usual, Pam over at The Blend has the jump on analyzing these interesting results first. The numbers have implications for what the strategy of LGBT activists should be moving forward on gay marriage. Some people have argued recently that too much energy, effort and resources are being spent on achieving marriage equality. MadProfessah disagrees with this position. There's no reason why the LGBT community can not be arguing both for marriage and for increased AIDS funding and for adoption/foster care rights and for non-discrimination policies, et cetera. It's a false choice to say that we can only fight for marriage equality instead of these other also much needed policies.