Blue Nation: Bush Has Net Positive Rating in 3 States

The current state-by-state SurveyUSA public opinion poll shows that President Bush has a net positive approval rating in Idaho (52% to 47%), Utah (51% to 46%) and Wyoming (50% to 49%) and has a net negative approval rating in every single other state (and D.C.) in the country! The map above is from MyDD. Here in California Bush has a net disapproval of -43% (28% approve, 71% disapprove). Contrast the above with the presidential election results on November 4, 2004 (graphics thanks to ABC)
Makes you go hmmmmmm!

UPDATE: RadicalRuss from Pam's House Blend has posted a very cool animated map showing the change in the President's approval rating month by month since November 2004 till the present.