In the last two years, Christian and conservative legal groups have — with some success — been pushing public colleges that have policies like the one in place at Hastings to make exceptions for religious groups. Suits have been threatened and several colleges have backed away from their rules (sometimes quietly) to avoid litigation. In one previous case that has gone to court, a preliminary ruling suggested that the Christian student groups would prevail. Tuesday’s ruling, however, accepted a legal argument that the Christian students’ rights to freedom of religion and expression were not compromised by the Hastings rule. |
Oh, the delicious irony! As Professor Art Leonard at LeonardLink also notes, Judge White used a gay rights defeat in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR) to hand the Christian Legal Society a defeat in this case. In addition, Professor Leonard says that this case is important because it also cited prior decisions articulating the "compelling interest" the government has in preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation , and that this interest trumps other incidental burdens on free speech or free exercise of religion due to the decision in this defeat for the Christian Legal Society.
However, in an ominous development, the Inside Higher Ed article notes that there has been a recent federal court decision in Illinois granting an injunction forcing Southern Illinios University to recognize a Christian group which explicitly violates SIU's anti-bias rules. Ultimately, the United States Supreme Court will have to weigh in on this question if more conflicting decisions are issued by different courts, which is probably exactly where the Religious Heterosexist Supremacists (Madprofessah-coined term!) want to be.