Oscar Voters Spread The Gold

Well, there was a surprise after all! Although Oscar voters did choose the controversial Crash over the groundbreaking Brokeback Mountain, they did not pick a single movie to be the "Most Honored Film of the Year." Brokeback Mountain (Director, Adapted Screenplay, Score), Crash (Picture, Original Screenplay, Film Editing), Memoirs of a Geisha (Art Direction, Costume Design, Cinematography) and King Kong (Sound Editing, Visual Effects, Sound) all won 3 Academy Awards.

Although I am happy that Crash won since I think it is important that many more people see that film. However, I think the statement that a film with explicit gay themes winning Best Picture of the year would have made would have been even more thrilling. Sadly, it didn't happen this year. Perhaps, Brokeback Mountain opened doors for another future gay themed film. It is somewhat curious that Memoirs of a Geisha won in categories like Cinematography ahead pf Brokeback Muntain and that Crash won Film Editing ahead of Walk The Line. All in all, a nice symmetric, forgettable awards season!