Sheriff Thinks Naked Men Won't Fight

What kind of sadistic, voyeuristic and homoerotic policy is this?? Apparently, after an African American man was killed during a racially motivated, violent mélée at the Pitchess Detention Center, L.A. County sheriff's deputies ordered prisoners to strip naked, gave them blankets and took away their mattresses in a "necessary step to stop the fighting."

Human rights activists have already condemned the actions. Besides the obvious dehumanizing aspect of the actions, it is doubtful that they are even effective. The prisoners were only naked for a day, but the violent fighting between the black, latino and white prisoners has continued for weeks, and another African American male has been killed, and dozens of others injured.

To the MadProfessah it seems obvious that keeping prisoners cold, naked and uncomfortable is likely to give them more reasons to fight than less, particularly when they are already in a highly stratified, psychosexually charged environment like a single sex multi-person holding facility. But, then again, I'm not a prison industrial complex specialist.