Strange Bedfellows: The U.S. Votes With The Bad Guys at The U.N.

The United States has joined some of the most repressive governments in the world including a card carrying member of the so-called "Axis of Evil" to prevent the International Lesbian and Gay Association and the Danish Gay and Lesbian Federation (Landsforeningen for Bosser og Lesbiske) from having observer status at the United Nations Economics and Social Council (ECOSOC). As reported by Cathy Young and others, gay rights activists in the United States are not happy:

"It is an absolute outrage
that the United States has
chosen to align itself with
tyrants — all in a sickening
effort to smother the
voices of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender
people around the world,"
said Matt Foreman,
executive director of the
National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force. "Apparently
Iran, which President
Bush has deemed part
of the 'Axis of Evil,' is a
suitable partner when it
comes to discriminating
against gay people."


[Monday]'s vote to summarily
dismiss the applications of
ILGA and LBL was as follows,
according to ILGA:
Yes: Cameroon, China, Cuba,
Iran, Pakistan,
Russian Federation, Senegal,
Sudan, United States of
America, Zimbabwe;
No: Chile, France, Germany,
Peru, Romania;
Abstention: Colombia,
India, Turkey;
Not present: Ivory Coast;

Zing! I (Heart) Matt Foreman. Even the (expletives deleted) at HRC had something to say about this latest outrage by the Bush administration. And we thought Canada's foreign policy towards gays and lesbians was going to move to the right...