Devin Brown's Killer Will Not Face County Prosecution has the details of Mayor Villaraigosa's statement in response to Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley's decision to not charge LAPD officer Steve Garcia in the shooting of 13-year-old Devin Brown. He does a good job of mentioning the policy changes that LAPD has begun to institute as a result of this case while still expressing outrage at the event itself. MadProfessah has been covering this case closely since it happened in February. It's my understanding there is a civil suit pending and that there is still a question about whether the LAPD will fire Garcia. In addition, the Los Angeles Police Commission has yet to rule on the case.
Interestingly, The West Wing fictionalized a version of the Devin Brown affair to illustrate racial fissures in the campaign of Matt Santos for President. More comment about that later...