Polling Contradictions in California

Respected political columnist and blogger Dan Weintraub of the Sacramento Bee has a summary of the various polls which have been released about the Governor's Ballot Propositions on the Tuesday November 8 special election. The basic notion is that the "new-fangled" polling operations SurveyUSA and Hoover Institute at Stanford University (both of which use automated or computer-based methods of contacting and interacting with voters) have some of the Propositions ahead, while the the Public Policy Institute of California and the Los Angeles Times and the Field Poll all show none of the Governor's propositions with majority support.
As Dan points out, not all of these polls can be accurate, so someone (besides the Governor) will have egg on their face on Wednesday November 9, the day after the election. To make sure of this, please remember to VOTE ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8, and NIX ON THE FIRST SIX (No on Props 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78) and Yes on the 79 and 80.