Angelides Bashes Arnold On Gay Marriage Veto

Thanks to Kos for pointing out the California gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides smackdown of Arnold's cowardly action of vetoing the gay marriage bill on Thursday:

By vetoing the Civil Marriage and Religious
Freedom Protection Act, Governor
Schwarzenegger has come down on
the wrong side of history. Governor
Schwarzenegger had the chance to
enter the pages of history with the
likes of Martin Luther King Jr.,
John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B.
Johnson; instead he has chosen to be
listed alongside George Wallace and
Strom Thurmond. Just as Wallace,
Thurmond and many other
segregationists came to regret their
errors, I hope that Governor
Schwarzenegger will come to
change his views.

This sounds like a man who should be Governor of a great state. He understands a historical moment when one presents itself. What do you think?