What's Up With The Exit Numbers??

Ok, so I remember reading a few years ago (back when Gray Davis was Governor!) that all California freeway exits were going to get numbered. Apparently the project was supposed to be completed by November 2004. Obviously that didn't happen. What is the status of this project? According to the Cal Trans website, "More than 23,000 signs featuring exit numbers with highly reflective sheeting and lettering will be placed at 5,940 freeway exits on 92 different routes." The project began on March 31, 2002 and is now slated to be completed in November 2008, to comply with a federal mandate.

My question is, don't the exit numbers that are visible now seem sort of haphazard and confusing? On my way home up the 110 North, the exit to Avenue 52 is labelled "Exit 28A" but neither the exit before or after it has an exit number.