A Tale of Two Cities: S.D. and L.A.

San Diego. Lesbian Mayor (Toni Atkins). Lesbian County District Attorney (Bonnie Dumanis). Uppity city council.

The San Diego City council voted unanimously last Monday to prohibit write-in candidates from run-off elections. City Councilwoman Donna Frye, who as a write-in candidate had more votes than the official candidates in the run-off for Mayor last November voted for the ordinance. The "winner" of last November's election, incumbent Dick Murphy resigned effectively July 15th, and his successor citycouncilman Michael Zucchet resigned after he was indicted by a federal grand jury investigating municipal corruption 5 days later. Openly Lesbian Citycouncilwoman Toni Atkins became acting mayor. Sensing an opportunity, Steve Padilla, the mayor of neighboring Chula Vista, came out of the closet also.

Los Angeles. Latino Mayor (Antonio Villaraigosa). Latino City District Attorney (Rockey Delgadillo). Uppity city council.

The Los Angeles City council last week failed to endorse Mayor Villaraigosa's plan to extend the City's contract to continue hauling trash out to the Sunshine Canyon Landfill after it expires on July 1, 2006. They also couldn't agree on who should be the next City Legislative Analyst. This from the same council that a few short weeks ago "unanimously" endorsed(apparently Bernard Parks and Grieg Smith walked out of the room before the voice vote on) gay marriage.