CA Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Gay Marriage Case

The California State Supreme Court refused to bypass the appellate level and presumptively decide the question of whether same-sex marriage is legal under the State Constitution of the State of California, despite being asked to do so by both the Attorney General of California as well as the appellant-defendants (The City and County of San Francisco and several same-sex couples).

The importance of Wednesday's ruling is that it means that a final decision from the State Supreme Court on the legality of same-sex marriage will not be known before a ballot measure (or two) being circulated by heterosexual supremacists to ban gay marriage and eliminate state recognition of same-sex registered domestic partnerships either qualifies for or is voted on in the June 2006 primary or November 2006 general election.

The moral of the story, is that if you think that "equality for all" really means that all couples should have access to the same rights and responsibilities of marriage regulated by the State, then don't sign those !@#@^*^%&! petitions now being circulated at your local Target/Wal-Mart/Home Depot.