Solid Majority of Californians Want New Governor

The bad news for Arnold Schwarzenegger keeps on coming. A few weeks ago it was that his statewide approval rating had plummeted. Now it turns out that Californians want a new Governor:

In a startling reversal of public opinion, 57
percent of the state's registered voters would
not support Schwarzenegger's re-election next
year, up from 42 percent in a February poll.
Those who would vote to return him to
Sacramento tumbled from 56 percent to
39 percent.

Hmmmm! But who will replace him? After State Attorney General Bill Lockyer wimped out earlier this year, the two main Democratic challengers are State Controller Steve Westly and State Treasurer Phil Angelides. Angelides leads a hypothetical matchup with Arnold 46%-42% while Westly leads Arnold 44%-40%. I haven't made an endorsement in the 2006 California Gubernatirial race yet, but I agree with this post at MyDD about the importance of the 2006 Governors races nationwide. Democrats should be able to make pick-ups in California, New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and possibly Texas, Georgia and Florida.