Place Ad Here (On My Skin)

The Los Angeles Times has this very fun article about "the forehead guy" (handsome 20-year old Andrew Fischer of Omaha, Nebraska) who auctioned off the space on his forehead as advertising on eBay for over 35 thousand dollars and the mini-industry he has created.
As you can see from his media page, this is not a shy guy (though, interestingly, he claims that he was once, and consciously took classes to get over it. Wallflowers of the world, take heed!) and the media have gone completely ga-ga over the story. It's easy to see why. It's fun, silly and clever.
A thought, though. Would the media have gone so strongly for the story if it wasn't smart, attractive white guy who was hawking advertising on his person? (Set aside the practical considerations of whether advertising would be effective on darker hued skin.) Anyway, others who have tried to copy his brilliant idea are not faring as well. I predict this is not the last we will be seeing or hearing of Andrew Fischer.