Kennedy Prevails, Scalia Throws Fit (Again)

BREAKING NEWS: The United States Supreme Court ruled today (Tuesday March 1) that imposing the death penalty on individuals for crimes committed while they were juveniles (under 18) is unconstitutional! As a long stand opponent of the death penalty (member of Amnesty International since 1989) I am thrilled by this news. I'm also thrilled that it was a 5-4 majority opinion written for the Court by (soon-to-be-Chief?) Justice Kennedy with a scathing dissent by Scalia (joined by Thomas and Rehnquist), which he read from the bench. O'Connor dissented separately. What's important about this is two-fold: 1) Scalia could not (or would not) regulate his feeling about the case and thus pissed off O'Connor enough to have her not join his dissent written for the "Troglodyte Trio" (RehnquistScaliaThomas--a 3-headed beast, like Cerberus of yore) and 2) when Scalia reads his dissents from the bench he is inevitably ostentatiously wrong (see Romer vs Evans and Lawrence vs Texas).