Gannon/Guckert Story Expands...

A number of mainstream journalists (Maureen Dowd of the NY Times, Joe Conason at, Anderson Cooper at CNN) have started to cover the Gannon/Guckert story as even more "truth is stranger than fiction" details of the story have been unearthed:
  1. Gannon/Guckert was able to get a White House daily press pass before he was working for even a semi-legitimate independent media outlet (GOPUSA).
  2. Gannon/Guckert was not able to get a House or Senate press pass (which are lower level than a White House pass, obviously) because he did not work for a "valid news organization."
  3. Gannon/Guckert was not a journalist or graduate of a journalist school, his only prior journalism experience was a two-day seminar for which he paid $50.
  4. Gannon/Guckert maintained adult profiles on at least a half-dozen websites where he advertised himself as a "dominant top" who "left impressions, not marks" with prices quoted from $200 an hour to $1200 for a weekend.
  5. Gannon/Guckert apparently knew four hours before the invasion of Iraq when exactly the bombs would start bombing in Baghdad and told a television producer.
  6. Gannon/Guckert had access to confidential files which revealed the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.
  7. Gannon/Gucket's stories for Talon News service (which was the front organization/website that GOPUSA created to promote news stories) have been all scrubbed from the website.

It is now rumoured the "big boys" (The New Yorker, Washington Post, et cetera) are going to get involved in the story. Meanwhile, Matt Drudge (another conservative homosexual Republican media activist himself) and other Log Cabin Republicans have been completely silent on the matter. Professional courtesy? Surely, someone should ask Ken Mehlman?