Bubba versus Senator No

Let sleeping dogs lie. That dog won't hunt! In the, Isn't He Dead, Yet? category pops this news item: Senator Jesse Helms is asking supporters to stop Bill Clinton from becoming Secreary-General of the United Nations. In a letter to supporters, Dear Jesse (who gained the moniker "Senator No" for the many positions he took in the Senate where he was the lone dissenting vote) writes "[Please help me] rebuke all efforts by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and every other liberal in Congress to push for Bill Clinton to become Secretary-General of the United Nations." Geesh!

On the record, I think William Jefferson Clinton (a.k.a. Bubba), the 42nd President of the United States, would make a fantastic Secretary-General of the United Nations. Apparently the current SecGen, Kofi Annan, recently appointed Bubba to be "U.N. Special Envoy for tsunami reconstruction." Hey, if Angelina Jolie can represent the U.N., why not Bubba?