Bush Backs Down on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

So, George W. Bush, the most openly homophobic president in history, who campaigned for re-election and for a constitutional amendment to prevent governmental recognition of same-sex relationships simultaneously, has decided (on the eve of his second inauguration) that he will no longer push for this legislation. I guess someone finally told W. that 1) There is a Defense of Marriage Act on the books which already prevents the federal government from recognizing any marital relationship other than "one man and one woman" and 2) It takes 67 votes to pass a constitutional amendment out of the United States Senate.

This, coming a few months after Bush told Good Morning America that he disagrees with the Republican Party platform's opposition to civil unions

Gee, I wonder if two days after his inauguration, on the 32nd anniversary of Roe vs Wade (January 22, 1973), he will announce his opposition to the Republican Party call for the adoption of a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would outlaw most abortions? I wonder, do you? After all, that Amendment requires 67 votes in the Senate, too.